Puppies, Funnel Cakes and Jesus

I don’t write about religion. Folks believe what they believe.

My belief is that there are a lot of religious texts out there. Generally, they all agree that everything and everyone came from some God who wants us all to be good to one another. If you believe something different from that, I’m cool. Hurt feelings are the only thing that comes from debating people’s beliefs; arguments don’t win hearts and minds over to any side.

So I don’t write about religion, except for now.

Most faiths put importance on being in touch with the higher power to give praise and to seek blessings. That’s important, I’m all for it. I’m grateful for my life and I look to heaven to bless us all with peace.

I’ve heard that no prayer goes unheard or is too small. That’s probably so. But here is where I’m going to deviate a little. I know I’m doing this because I think like me and not like a deity. Read the rest of this entry »