Keep Calm And…

Contemporary rendering of a poster from the Un...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Back at the start of World War Two, a man in the British Ministry Of Information created a poster. The words on the poster were simple. Their goal was important. The Ministry created the Keep Calm And Carry On poster to keep public morale high in the face of a possible Nazi invasion.

They didn’t distribute many of the posters. After the war, the bright red placards faded out of the public eye. People were calm and the need to carry on had passed.

The poster resurfaced around 2000 and has gradually increased in popularity as a  decorative items. The copyright on the original has expired, so The Keep Calm message has been usurped as a promotional tool. Just about any consumer product a body could want is available with Keep Calm on it. In that way, Keep Calm is the British equivalent of the catch phrase “Git R Done“. Read the rest of this entry »